Clean Vehicle Tax Credit Guidance (IR-2022-218) – On December 12, 2022, the Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service issued a Revenue Procedure setting out key processes for manufacturers and sellers of clean vehicles. Specifically, the guidance applies to manufacturers of vehicles eligible for the clean vehicle credit under § 30D of the Code (§ 30D credit), vehicles eligible for the credit for qualified commercial clean vehicles under § 45W of the Code (§ 45W credit), and vehicles eligible for the credit for previously-owned clean vehicles under § 25E of the Code (§ 25E credit). The processes discussed in the guidance are required for vehicles to be eligible for one or more clean vehicle tax incentives, including tax credits for new and previously owned clean vehicles, as well as for commercial clean vehicles.
For vehicle manufacturers, Revenue Procedure 2022-42 provides guidance on new rules in the tax law added by the Inflation Reduction Act on how to enter into a written agreement with the IRS and how to provide periodic written reports containing specified information related to each clean vehicle manufactured. Per the guidance, qualified manufacturers must file reports with the IRS on a monthly basis, by the fifteenth of the month. Qualified manufacturers must send an email to [email protected] indicating their intent to submit monthly reports and the IRS will respond with instructions on how to submit their reporting information.
This revenue procedure also provides the procedures for persons selling vehicles to report specified information to the IRS for a vehicle to be eligible for the credit for new or previously owned clean vehicles. For vehicle sales occurring in calendar year 2023 and later, Sellers must file reports with the IRS within fifteen days after the end of the calendar year (i.e., the first report will be due Jan. 15, 2024).
NOTE: This revenue procedure is not the issuance of proposed guidance with respect to the critical minerals and battery components requirements under § 30D(e). The Treasury Department and the IRS will explicitly identify when they are issuing proposed guidance with respect to the critical minerals and battery components requirements under § 30D(e).